Today we had to be up and ready to get on the boat at 9:30 in the morning to go to a chain of islands that have coral reefs that are around them. We had the university pay for us to go on this trip which was 20 bucks per person or about 700 baht (kinda pricey for Thailand right?). it took about an hour to get out to the islands where we were to go snorkeling. The first island was filled with many fish and brilliantly bright coral with colors of blue and yellow that I have never seen before. We then went to a beach and had lunch which was provided for us. They guides freshly cut some pineapple and mango's for us to eat in addition to the fried rice lunch we had.
We then went to a small island where we had the guide swim us around it, looking at the island it looked that it would be easy to navigate around the island and it would not be that hard. It was easy up until we go in the current of the waves that we crashing towards us on the opposite side. It was a little scary trying to swim when you are 5 feet above sea urchins that will sting and make you feel like crap for awhile, but we survived and got back to the boat. This island had the same types of coral and again the colors were incredible and nothing like I have ever seen before. The last island was the best because of the varying wildlife that we saw under the water. This island had a few areas that were completely covered in sea enmities where a cousin of the clown fish lived. There were so many I wish I would have had an underwater camera to take a picture to show everyone the incredible wildlife and colors of the coral. After this island we returned our stuff back to the guides and then relaxed as we took the hour to get back to the resort. I applied sunscreen 4 times throughout this trip but I still somehow got burned on my back and the back of my arms and I was wearing a life jacket to avoid getting burned and still managed to pull that one off.
We then got back to the resort and immediately took a shower to get the salt water off of our skin and out of our hair and had a few hours of down time access the internet and for some of the members of the group to get massages that they have wanted to get. I have no desire to get a massage in Thailand or any place… I don’t know I’m just kind of weird. We had dinner at 6 and then proceeded to talk and hang out as a group and kind of bonded a little more that night… I completely lost track on time and forgot to get online and Skype my girlfriend after dinner and I believe that I am in the doghouse for that… We went to bed late and had to get up early to catch the 9am boat back to the mainland to catch our flight to Chang-Mai, so the next post will be the trip to Chang-Mai and entering Bangkok while the rebels are burning down buildings and such... I will post pictures showing what we see from the window of our bus.
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